Bond is a project aiming at reforming the US food assistance system by means of visual communication. With such an end goal, a reformed donation mechanism has been established in the form of a website, not only informing users that a singular assistance system—an in-kind food donation whereby food is grown in the US for further distribution and sale abroad—is not appropriate, but the modernized food assistance is necessarily conditioned on offering multiple ways of donation, for instance the Local Regional Procurement (LRP), to provide better efficacy and at the same time reduce unnecessary costs.

Magazines and flyers

Web design
Homepage—Users are able to have a holistic view of all the countries that experience hunger and different modalities of food assistance that Bond offers via interactive elements.

Take Action—users are encouraged to partake in the online petition for a better reform of the food aid system in the US, or the application of volunterring for further events.

Keep Updated—Posts are shown for users to keep track with the latest news regarding the countries in food crisis, the appropriate food aid method is meticulously analyzed from many perspectives—local market condition, local food storage, and security of food transportation—and finally determined in a comparison with other methods, as shown below, Local Regional Procurement (LRP) is a more reasonable food aid solution in Zimbabwe in comparison to that based on US-based purphase.

Donate—different ways of donation have been provided including cash transfer or in-kind assistance.

User—each user is able to keep track with the donation process in detail made possible by the user-friendly illustrations and directions.

*Photos used in this project are not original, copyrights are covered for student work.